Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This is a chat history, at 9:09pm jiaju invited half of the class to msn
gift of the goddess says:
eh guys
remember the jts stuff?
erm the liyi says becos we r too indeicisive
the juniors haf decided to cancel jts
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
oh then?
Why yer name so long? says:
The sky is waiting! says:
wad the heck?
Why yer name so long? says:
cancel jts?
sylvia says:
er wtf
Branden says:
Why yer name so long? says:
ya wtf
gift of the goddess says:
yea she says until we giv ethem a proper response
of all the ppl and stuff
Why yer name so long? says:
ask them **** themselves
gift of the goddess says:
den organise again cos they are sick of waiting for our replies
Why yer name so long? says:
thought majority of class going
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
we quite a lot of ticks alr wad
sylvia says:
The sky is waiting! says:
jiaju are u joking? i know today april fool-.-
sylvia says:
what the shit
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
is this serious?
gift of the goddess says:
Why yer name so long? says:
april fool la
u sure?
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
Why yer name so long? says:
u sure or not
u *****
Branden says:
april fool
gift of the goddess says:
ok bb

gift of the goddess has left the conversation.
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
sylvia says:
omg jj is a ***ker
EphermaL 12+182010 says:
Why yer name so long? says:

EphermaL 12+182010 has left the conversation.
Why yer name so long? says:
i knew it

Posted by Yu Siang at 10:14 PM